Medved the Bear was inspired by a character in the “Midwinter Trilogy” series of books by Katherine Arden (the first book is “The Bear and the Nightengale”). My previously posted Winter King, Morozko, was also inspired by that story, which pits these two brothers against each other as opposing forces and bitter enemies. Having recently finished the third and final book in that series, I was inspired to create my version of this character.
You can read this character's story on my Instagram page.
Since this character is meant to be the opposite of his brother, I wanted to focus on that in my design. While my Winter King is all white and silver, I wanted Medved to have dark skin tones and gold armor. This meant that the Calavius figure was a perfect base to use!
The head is made from one of the new custom pieces from William Robert Post and Seba Dom over at I made some alterations to that head so I could pop the bear piece on top. That piece came from a WWE figure. I painted them together to achieve the look of one solid helmet made to look like a bear, kind of like what the 4H did with the Attilla figure and his lion helmet.
The straps on his chest are from a Black Knight, the neck armor is from a LOTR figures, the loin pieces are from Skapular, and his weapons are ones that I felt worked well for this big beast of a warrior.