The Mythic Legions action figure customs of Jeremy Girard


Thurlyn Frostcrown

I made this character as a companion piece to Thallyn Frostbow and my custom male Frost Elf. I hope that the 4H will give us more members of this race in the future, but until them, my custom Frost Elves will fill the bill nicely in my display!

You can read this character's story on my Instagram page.

  • Mythic Legions Frost King custom
  • Mythic Legions Frost King custom
  • Mythic Legions Frost King custom
  • Mythic Legions Frost King custom
  • Mythic Legions Frost King custom


This simple custom is a Steel Knight Legion Builder repainted with colors to match the Thallyn Frostbow decor. The head is from Lord Aydon, repainted with white hair and with a lighter skin tone. I removed his normal crown piece and used one from an Artymss Silverchord.  His cape is just some blue fabric with the fur piece from a Freya of Deadhall.