This custom was a mashup of pieces I had in my fodder bin, all put together to create a new race for Mythoss - the foul gnoll!
This figure's started with a cast of a Thundercats Jackalman head. It had been in my fodder bin for awhile and I did not have a good way to use it, so I dug deeper into those bins for other fodder that I could use to create a new character. The "cobbled together" nature of a gnoll lent itself to this custom, which uses armor pieces from a variety of Mythic Legions figures, all painted to somewhat match. The spiked shoulder pads come from a Dragonage Genlock figure and the large feet are from a MOTU King Chooblah figure. The large curved sword is from a Lord of the Rings Gothmog and the cape on his back is from a Legolas from that same line.