This is my take on a female dwarf, using a custom 3D printed head and a body configuration that I think works nicely for a lady dwarf!
You can read this character's story on my Instagram page.
This custom uses a head that was sculpted by @masscustomsok and which he sells at his Shapeways shop. Even thought I’ve done it many times, I hate painting realistic faces, so I actually sent this head to Kurt Daniels to paint for me because I love his face painting work. I then took the painted head from him and assembled this custom recipe.
For the body, I didn’t want to use a normal 1.0 dwarf, but I also wanted something different than the build of the female Ragna Stormforger figure. I ended up combining 1.0 and 2.0 pieces. The arms are inserted using a little Apoxie Sculpt and blue tack, while the legs can actually be made to fit in the 1.0 torso if you jam them in the the right way. I liked the way this gave my female thinner arms and legs, while still having a bigger torso that worked with the head!